NaNoWrimo 2011/Day 10


A little more than a week into this project, and I’m almost at the halfway mark! I am also at the part (Week 2) where the initial excitement has worn off a bit and I find myself struggling. I find that a little frustrating, because I know where this story is going. A newsletter in my mailbox today led me to Jamie Todd Rubin’s Five tips for a successful NaNoWriMo (and how Scrivener can help), and from there I found my way to Larry Brooks’s Story Structure Series. I decided not to read the entire series in one sitting (I have writing to do, after all!), but it was gratifying to find that Part One is on track, and helpful to see clearly what I need to be trying to achieve structurally in Part Two.
Also, I’m enjoying  author Michael D. Young’s daily tips and having fun being a participant on Leaderboard, but the (friendly) competition is sparse. Where is everyone? Anyone?
I wanted to implement a cool word meter like his, but sadly Blogger makes it uuuuugly. So here we are in boring but easy-to-read text:
Word Meter
I’m feeling more organized now, so back to battle I go!
Posted in writing.

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