Rockin’ Robin

This is Rockin’ Robin, coming at you live from — um — Well, I’ve been happily busy in the land of Tairenth, writing my fingers to the nubs. So … I’m late getting this post written because I completely forgot about it!

I have a pretty good excuse. Really! In fact, I have a few of them:

  1. I’ve been hard at work revising The Sharpness of the Knife, Book One of Journeys of the Sira Na. I am making steady progress, but it feels slow. I want to say it’ll be out before Christmas, but I wouldn’t advise any breath-holding. Feel free, though, to do some cheering, sending of good vibes, or whatever other practices you believe might speed things along. Chocolate in my mailbox is also quite acceptable.
  2. The revising job doesn’t produce words in bulk. I am in two group challenges that require (you guessed it) a certain word count. The Fantasy Sci-Fi Network only requires 100 words a day, and I can usually manage that while editing in spite of all the subtraction I’m doing at the same time. My 500 Words is obviously a little more demanding. So when my numbers are looking particularly dim, I hop over to Book Two of the Journeys and whip out a few paragraphs for The Mage’s Blade. Woohoo! More progress!
  3. I’m also working on polishing up and preparing a new FREE short story for my fabulous fans. It should be available within the next week. Stay tuned!
  4. I’m tidying up my website. Shortly after I returned from Hawaii I managed to completely break the WordPress side of things. My back-up plug-in didn’t back anything useful up. The folder I exported was empty. That was fun. (Not!) Older posts are still looking a little ragged, but I’m still plugging away at the task. I would much rather work on my book, so the website tidying happens when I feel like it (which is irregular at best)!

And that’s enough about me.

For you writers out there (or for you readers that like to see what your favorite authors are doing and how looooong until they’re done with their next book), there is a great little WordPress plugin campaign bumping around over at Kickstarter. It’s called “MyBookProgress,” by Author Media, and it — Well, go take a look at it. It’s fantastic. I’ll wait.


Are you back now? Great!

Isn’t it cool? There’s only one week left to fund it. I hope you’ll think about chipping in or passing the information on to the authors you stalk follow. Tweet it, FaceBook it, Reddit it, Instagram it, Google+ it — you get the idea.


Image: “Robin” by NeoQlassical is licensed under CC0 1.0
Posted in writing.

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