TBR (To Be Read) Challenge!

TBR_Feb2016I don’t know about you, but I have about a meeellion books on my TBR (To Be Read) shelf. How can I not? New and interesting books are constantly being released. If that’s not enough, I belong to several book groups, and the people there are always talking about… books. (I know, weird, right?)

“Recently finished Schafer’s most excellent Shattered Sigil’s trilogy, it’s a great character-driven fantasy tale, with wondrous landscapes…”

“About 50% through Morning Star (by Pierce Brown) and it’s been totally rocking my world!”

“I am reading  The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive, #1) by Brandon Sanderson. This will be my first five star rating in 2016. This book is fantastic!”

Those are just a few comments picked up from chatter on the Fantasy Book Club forum on Goodreads. How can I not add those books to my list?? (I don’t have to add Sanderson’s; it’s sitting on my shelf, mocking me even as I type this.)

I love reading…

I do love reading! But somehow I haven’t been reading much in the last several years, and that had to change. Immediately! In an effort to read even more, I’ve joined a couple of challenges:

  1. The Goodreads “2016 Reading Challenge
  2. The Fantasy Book Club’s “A–Z Challenge” (also on Goodreads)
  3. The featured books offered on the Fantasy Sci-Fi Network site for Epic Geeking Out With Authors.

TBR ChallengeFor the first on the list I originally committed to a modest 20 books, but two things happened. First, I joined the A–Z challenge. There are 26 letters in the alphabet! And I read so much in January (and had so much fun doing it!) that I bumped my commitment up by six whole books.

Living dangerously, right?

But, hey! I’m eight books ahead of schedule, and it’s only mid-February and I’m inordinately proud of myself, not to mention totally psyched about being immersed in all those lovely words, plots, descriptions, characters, stakes, humor, angst…

It’s a Challenge!

I’d love for you to join me in my literary abandon, so I’m going to issue a challenge. And a prize! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Join the Goodreads “2016 Reading Challenge
  2. Create a challenge of not less than one book per month (for a total of 12 which, technically, you could read in entirely in December if you want!)
  3. “Friend” me on Goodreads (or send me a link to your profile)
  4. Link me up to your challenge page in the comments below
  5. Complete your challenge

At the end of the year, those who finish their TBR challenges will be entered in a drawing for my upcoming book, The Sharpness of the Knife. (Working title!) Easy-peasy, right?

Ready! Set! Go!

…And be sure to share this page with your reader friends! The more the merrier! The more entries I get, the more prizes I can add!

P.S. You are more than welcome to comment as well with the book you’re reading and what you think of it!


Featured Image: 屏東 旅遊文學館 via photopin (license) | “TBR Book Stack” by Robin Lythgoe ©2016
Posted in reading.

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