Join my ARC Team!

Epic Fantasy by Robin Lythgoe


What’s an ARC?

An ARC is an Advance Review Copy sent to select readers in exchange for an honest review. They are edited, but may contain minor grammatical efforts and formatting issues that will be corrected by publication.

How Does it Work?

My Advance Reader Team (a.k.a. my Dauntless Reviewers) is a troop of committed readers who volunteer to read and review my latest ARCs. Invitations are sent out 2 to 4 weeks before the official release date. Since I rely on ARC reviews to help me launch my newest book, and since I expect my ARC members to read and review by the release day deadline, members can opt-out if they are unable to make that deadline.

When you agree to accept the book, you are also agreeing to do two things:
  1. Post your honest, spoiler-free review on Amazon* on release day OR within two weeks of the release date
  2. Post a review on Goodreads as soon as possible after you’ve finished reading. (Other possible locations for early reviews: Bookbub, your blog, your Facebook page, a fantasy-readers Facebook group, Instagram, etc)

Want to go one little extra step? Add the new title to your “Want to Read” list on Goodreads as soon as your receive your copy.

*NOTE: Currently, I publish to Amazon, but if there is a paperback version of the book, it may appear on other retail sites. Also, in their attempts to stop spammers, Amazon can sometimes be difficult. You may see a message stating you have “too many unverified reviews.” If you are enrolled in Kindle Unlimited (KU), please use it to post your review!

Want to Join?

The only qualification you need to join Robin’s ARC team is a link to your review of any of her published books.

Apply to Robin's ARC Team!


Want to go above and beyond?

Follow me on BookBub and MyBookCave.

Getting accepted by some advertisers depends on the number of followers I have on their platforms. Joining me there helps when I do advertising, and you’ll only receive emails from them when they advertise one of my discounted books or if I have a new release.