Sci-Fi Fantasy FREAK. Yeah!
How would you like a subscription service that caters specifically to the sic-fi and fantasy genres? I know I would. And when founder Matthew Keith emailed me with the news I whooped a gleeful “YES!” and got up to do a Snoopy Dance. (No, there are no recordings. Too bad, right?)
The really cool thing is that I’d just been doing some serious wishful thinking for that very thing. I mean, I enjoy getting announcements the other subscription services, but even though some of them allow you to set a preferred genre, that’s not always what appears in the ol’ mailbox.
Not that I’m discriminating! I enjoy picking up books from other genres to read, too, but I have loved the speculative genre—and fantasy in particular—since I was knee high to a grasshopper. In fact, the first story I ever wrote was about a magic bunny. I think I was about five. It was before I could successfully produce penmanship legible to anyone but myself, but luckily I had a scribe: my big sister, who further encouraged my imagination with wonderful things like itty-bitty yarn dollies (whose necessarily upright hair styles naturally led to fantasy), stories she made up, Tolkien, and her fantastic artistic skills.
But wait, I digress. Here’s what the site is all about:
With so many options available online to book buyers, it makes it hard to find what you’re looking for. Especially if, like us, you only read SciFi and Fantasy. This site has been created to simplify your search. No more wading through “everything else” in order to find the books you want. At SciFiFantasyFREAK, we will never advertise anything that doesn’t fall within those two genres.
Just signed up and gonna check it out
Glad to hear it!