I have a WHOLE lot more sympathy for Crow’s experience in caves after spelunking (read: “crawling on my belly”) through part of Mammoth Caves…
Last weekend was the annual family reunion. 30 people in a 3-bathroom cabin in Brian Head, Utah. Yikes. Sounds cramped—but what a great group of people for making the best of things! I didn’t hear anyone complaining (except maybe about crickets… and spiders… and perhaps a mattress or two…!). There was bike-riding, hiking, tram-riding, fishing, games, s’mores, great food, stories, coloring, and… spelunking.
Driving to Panguitch Lake on Saturday, we passed the sign to Mammoth Springs. Hubby says, “I want to take you to see Mammoth Caves.”
“Okay. Let’s!” says I.
So we did. Check this out!

The big hole. Looks doable, right?

Standing upright. Easy-peasy. And the colors and textures on the ceiling were really cool-looking.

Getting a little lower here. Don’t I look fashionable with the head lamp on?

Wait. You want me to go through THIS??

Are you sure?

All righty, then. Better take pictures; we’re going to need proof.

Almost there…

Are you coming?

Tada! We made it! (Through that little black hole behind us!)
As I was hitching my not-very-limber self over rocks and trying to avoid knocking myself out on the roof, I couldn’t help but think how Crow and Tanris felt as they made their way through the Ghost Walk. I had it easy. I could actually see a little bit of daylight at both ends of the tunnel—though I did turn off my lamp to experience PITCH BLACK.
If the petroglyphs we went to see the next day had been there on the wall, the setting would have been complete.
Crazy as it sounds, that was one of the most fun parts of the weekend… Whoda thunk??
What fun things are you doing this summer?
Have you ever been cave-crawling? Would you?